Monday, 16 October 2017

Chinese Museum Forced to Close Exhibit Highlighting the Similarities Between Negroes and Animals

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 15, 2017

Here’s the thing though: isn’t shutting this down just racist against the Chinese?
They are not white, meaning they are allowed to have a culture, and hating niggers is part of their vibrant heritage as a people.
A photography exhibit showing black people side-by-side with wild animals has been pulled in China, following accusations of racism.
‘This Is Africa’, which opened at the Hubei Provincial Museum in the central Chinese city of Wuhan shortly before National Day in early October, was well-received by some critics. Zhao Yingxin, president of the China Photographic Publishing House, called it “perceptive, smart and visually impactful,” adding that the photos seemed to “leap out of the screen,” according to Shanghaiist.
But not everyone felt the same way. In a post that’s now been deleted, Instagram user Edward Duke wrote: “The Hubei Provincial Museum put pictures of a particular race next to wild animals why? Are they the only race to have impoverished looking people?”
The exhibit juxtaposed photos of black Africans with those of animals. In one picture, a boy with his mouth open is shown next to an image of a gorilla, while in another a man is compared to a chimpanzee and a lion. All the pictures were taken by businessman and vice-chairman of the Hubei Photographers Association, Yu Huiping, who traveled to Africa many times to get the images.
The pictures were removed this week following complaints, including from local residents.
“The target audience is mainly Chinese,” exhibit curator Wang Yuejun said in a statement, and pointed out that in China, comparing animals and people is not always seen as negative and may sometimes be a compliment, for example in the context of the Chinese zodiac. Having the animals and people side-by-side was his idea, Wang admitted, and not Yu’s. But he added that the museum understood the concerns raised and to “show respect for our African friends’ opinions,” the offending pictures were taken down.
This just more of your stereotypical “oy vey shut it down,” with the stereotypical bucktoothed Chinese villain.
Anyone who says that black people do not look like apes is lying.


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