Daily Stormer
October 13, 2017
The world’s oldest hate group is lighting the fuse of moral panic over public intellectual Richard Spencer heading to the University of Florida to give a talk. The inflammatory speech these Jews are engaging in is dangerous. The learning institution has one of the highest numbers of Jewish students per capita in the country, which means the risk of them trying to shut the speech down with violent antics is present.
According to the school’s Jewish leaders, Richard Spencer is coming down to intimidate the Jews and there’s nothing more to it. And if you, as a student, dare to give this filthy goyi…guy a fair hearing, you’re just as evil!
Board up your windows, lock up your women, hide the Torahs, Darth Spencermort is coming to Gainesville!
For Rabbi Berl Goldman, preparations for white nationalist Richard Spencer’s visit to the University of Florida have been going on for a while.I would feel sorry for these Jews if I thought they were being genuine. Anyone reading this would think they suffer from off the charts paranoid schizophrenia – the type that requires a straight-jacket.
Goldman, the rabbi at the Lubavitch-Chabad Jewish Student and Community Center in Gainesville, said that hundreds of students and parents have contacted him expressing their anger and fear regarding Spencer’s appearance, scheduled for Oct. 19.
“It’s not a matter of if we are going to be affected,” Goldman said. “We are affected. I believe all of humanity — decent people of all religions, races, colors, men, women and children — are affected by this.”
The rabbi said local Jewish organizations and law enforcement have held several meetings to prepare.
Goldman said he specifically has been in touch with the Gainesville and university police departments as well as federal law enforcement. He said UF and its president, Kent Fuchs, have also been proactive during the past few months in preparing.
Chabad has multiple cameras installed throughout its building to monitor activity on a daily basis. The center is putting in place additional security measures, but they are known only by members of the internal staff.
“We take this extremely seriously,” Goldman said, “because we know we are a target.”
Chabad is a safe haven for many students, and it will continue to be so throughout the event, Goldman said.
“We hope to overwhelm darkness with light,” Goldman said. “Each person can do something to counter this in the right way.”
Goldman said he prefers to not call Spencer by name, and he refers to Spencer’s organization, the National Policy Institute, as the “group coming to campus.”
Norman Goda, UF’s Norman and Irma Braman Chair in Holocaust Studies, described Spencer as an educated man who styles himself as a legitimate scholar and who does not act randomly.
“He claims that his conclusions are based on solid empirical research,” Goda said. “They’re not. It’s completely bogus scholarship.”
Goda said that it is unclear how many followers Spencer has, but he did attract a large number in August to the Charlottesville, Virginia, white nationalist rally, to which three deaths were linked. He said the amount of people who attended should be worrisome to Jews, minorities and anyone who believes in a pluralistic society.
He said he thinks Spencer is targeting certain universities because they have difficulty legally saying no.
“Not one of the student organizations wanted him here,” Goda said. “He had to resort to a legal loophole to get himself on campus.”
Goda said he thinks UF’s size and reputation gives Spencer a large platform on which to speak.
“He’s using our reputation and our seriousness to burnish his reputation so that he looks serious,” he said. “I don’t think we should allow him to do that, but we are a public institution.”
But I know better. When a Lubavitch-Chabad adherent of one of the most hateful books ever written (the Talmud) goes out and tells the local press he is a benevolent defender of “all humanity” – I laugh at the cynicism!
The same goes for the rest of this engineered spectacle. Treating Spencer like he’s a mafia capo or Lord Voldemort is a propaganda trick and nothing more. The goal is to prejudice the community and the public at large into thinking different ideas that are far more persuasive than the official narrative make you a criminal.
As for the school’s Holocaust department: if Spencer’s ideas are so “bogus,” why not debunk them in a moderated debate?
Because they’re not bogus and Goda knows it. If the ideas weren’t true, she wouldn’t be advocating for abolishing the First Amendment.
Gainesville and Shelbyville will be the next pivotal battles in the national revolution. Nationalists must not become dissuaded by the system’s reaction after the tyrannical backlash from Charlottesville – that’s only solid proof that momentum is with the Alt-Right.
It is important to familiarize yourself with the local self-defense laws, but more importantly, to have designated cameramen filming everything.
Cameramen must broadcast everything live, and online meme warriors must be at attention to utilize social media to beat the Judenpresse to the narrative.
All the Kabbalah spells and blood-matzoh in the world can’t stop Darth Spencermort!
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