Friday, 6 October 2017

SPLC BTFO: Evil Jewish Organization References Removed from Defense Department Documents

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
October 5, 2017

Your Jew tricks are coming to an end, Schlomo!

The Southern Poverty Law Center, in spite of their decades of reckless criminal behavior, has somehow managed to maintain enough credibility to be regularly cited in mainstream media reports and influence various law enforcement agencies and government organizations.
But it seems they’ve overplayed their hands lately.
Even normie conservatives are increasingly seeing them as the lawless terrorist organization that they are.
According to a September FOIA response, a Defense Department office has ceased using material from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the extraordinarily well-funded left-wing non-profit.
The Department of Defense’s (DOD) Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity, the congressionally mandated diversity office originally known as the Defense Race Relations Institute, once included citations to the SPLC in its “training materials on hate groups or hate crimes” but has ceased doing so.

How does it feel to be losing so badly?
The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Jonah Bennett obtained an email, originally written in response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Immigration Reform Law Institute, by Brian J. Field, an assistant U.S. attorney from the civil division of the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia.
The September 2017 email confirms:
The DEOMI [Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute] office informed me that, based on a previous FOIA request, DEOMI records concerning, regarding, or related to the preparation and presentation of training materials on hate groups or hate crimes were forwarded … That 133-page document did reference the SPLC; however, based upon guidance from the Office of Diversity Management and Equal Opportunity, all references to the SPLC have been removed from any current training.
In 2014, DOD told CNS News that it stopped including the SPLC’s “hate lists” but that it would continue to cite their data. That appears to no longer be the case as the DEOMI joins the FBI, which dropped links to the SPLC in 2014 and again in 2017, as a federal agency that no longer cites the “anti-hate” group.
The entire raison d’ĂȘtre of the SPLC is to bully and threaten individuals and groups they don’t like into silence.

Typical SPLC employee.

When that fails, they’ll start making phone calls to your business partners to pressure them into cutting ties, in order to wreck financial ruin on your operations.
There’s no doubt the the entire spirit of their enterprise is to shut down free speech in America, if not through laws, then through terror and intimidation.
Case in point, their most famous “product” is the SPLC hate list. This is a list of all the individuals and organizations they deem “hateful,” put on a map with addresses and contact information. What could possibly be the purpose of such a list, if not intimidation? It’s nakedly an invitation for vigilantes to take justice into their own hands.
When all else fails, they’ll resort to frivolous but expensive lawsuits.
How can such a organization be allowed to run in America, when it displays such naked contempt for our laws and our race?


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