Sunday, 8 October 2017

Trump Calls for the Senate to Investigate Jewish Fake News Media

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
October 8, 2017

Mr. President, Rowdy Roddy Piper has discovered why the Senate won’t investigate fake news!

The President of the United States Donald J. Trump asked an interesting question the other day.
While I’m sure this was a rhetorical question on his part, we all know the answer. They won’t investigate this matter because the Senate is bought and paid for by Jewish interests. Whenever any sort of pro-Israel legislation comes up, the Senate usually votes in favor of it by a 100-0 margin. This conclusively proves that they are owned by Jews.
The big news media responsible for pushing the fake news agenda is mostly all controlled by Jews. A Jew controlled Senate will not investigate an industry that is run by Jews. It is as simple as that.
Here are just a few of the major American media organizations that are run by Jews.
Comcast’s current CEO the Jew Brian Roberts.
Disney’s CEO is the Jew Bob Iger.
CBS’s CEO is the Jew Leslie Moonves.
CNN’s President is the Jew Jeff Zucker.
There are many other examples but these are just the ones I could quickly think of off the top of my head.
Jews represent roughly 2 percent of the American population yet they control many of the organizations that provide information to the people. This is a completely insane situation that needs to be fixed. America’s media should be controlled by men of White European descent. They should not be controlled by an alien group of people who have openly declared their hostility to the majority racial demographic.
If we had a sane country, legislation would have already been passed banning Jews from obtaining this type of power. Of course banning Jews entirely would make this a much simpler and easier proposition.
While I don’t believe Trump will do anything specific about the Jewish problem, he should at least get government entities like the Federal Communications Commission to start investigating these Jew run fake news operations. That would be a major step in the right direction.



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