Monday, 23 October 2017

Trump Points Out That Virtually All Crime in Britain is Committed by or Because of Nonwhites

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 21, 2017
On Friday, Trump tweeted that as immigration rises in Britain, so does crime.
The actual statistic is that crime is rising 13% annually on Cuck Island.
Of course, not all crime is committed by nonwhites. No one makes that claim.
However, virtually all crime can be attributed to the collapse of our Western societies that is largely due to mass immigration.
Firstly, you have the issue of economic troubles caused by immigration. The reason these people come to our countries in the first place – other than to rape our women – is that we have more money than their countries. Therefore, either by defaulting to public funds (welfare) or by taking jobs from locals, they are taking money out of the economy.

They also are generally unhealthy, and put a massive burden on the healthcare system, which increases taxes.
As such, white people are more likely to turn to drugs or other forms of crime due to what the immigrants do to the economy.

Moreover, we know from studies that so-called “diversity” causes social trust to dissolve. The more “multicultural” a society is, the more alienated each individual is. Low-trust societies are directly associated with higher crime rates.
Robert Putnam’s research showed that in multicultural societies, people not only withdraw from persons of other cultures, but withdraw from members of their own culture as well, due to generally collapsing social bonds.

If white people feel alienated from each other, they are more likely to commit crimes against one another.
So, although it is true that local Britons are committing increased crime (not most of that 13%, but presumably some of it), it is still the nonwhite immigration which can and should be held responsible for that shift.
The people “fact checking” Trump on this are wrong.
Obviously, nothing is absolute – there are always going to be white people committing crimes. However, given that we are moving into the future, and all that this should imply, the number should, all things being equal, be declining. Not increasing by an absurd 13% a year.


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