Monday, 9 October 2017

Brit Bong Surrenders His Guns/Dignity to American Police

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2017

This story is proof that you cannot uncuck the cuckened. Living under the cuck yoke is sometimes too strong, and even when exposed to freedums, the former slave reverts back to his programmed behavior.
I mean, just look at this photo.

Britcuck hands over last bit of dignity he didn’t know he even had.

This photo could also belong to a series of interprective photos of White “men” doing cucky shit that will screw them and their progeny over for generations to come.

The abstract.

There’s more to the story though. Here’s some choice quotes.
Jonathan Pring is from London, England, but he’s been living in Phoenix for more than a decade. He runs a coffee shop and drives a doubledecker bus. Despite his British roots, Pring bought guns.

“I think the easiest way to stop mass shootings from happening in America is to take guns away from civilians,” Pring told Fox.
“I like my son and my wife more,” said Pring.
“When I phoned dispatch and I said, ‘hi, I’ve got some guns I’d like to get rid of,’ the dispatcher panicked a little bit,” said Pring. “‘You’ve got guns? How many guns? Are there people in the house with you now? Are the guns loaded?’”
Instead of selling the two firearms, he turned them over to police. This, in Pring’s estimation, was the “right thing.”
“We can do something about the guns, we can just get rid of them, it’s that easy,” said Pring.
Look, I don’t want to rag on Brits too hard. But its hard not to rage when they come over to the US and start complaining that there are too many guns and how we need to be all effeminate and catty to be civilized.
Take John Oliver for example.
American stereotypes about Brits being smart because of their accents allows Oliver to lecture to his audience of clapping seals about the wonders of the Home Island while daily snackbar and acid attacks cull the herd of bugpeople living and working in one of the most poz’d metropolises in the world.
Piers Morgan tried to pull the same stunt in the US as Oliver.
Check out this kike take him to town:

Still, you have examples of positive British influence, like Nigel Farage and his support for Donald Trump.
But if there are any positive improvements that cucked Brits want to make for Americans, then they should be confined to advice about cuisine, dental hygiene and worshiping old ladies in tiaras.



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