Monday, 9 October 2017

Mike Pence Leaves Negro Felon League Game After Monkey Players Kneel During National Anthem

Lee Rogers
Daily Stormer
October 9, 2017

If there’s one thing that really pisses Mike Pence off it is a slave who refuses to stand for the national anthem.

Vice President Mike Pence attended the Indianapolis Colts versus San Francisco 49ers Negro Felon League game Sunday. He immediately left after a handful of monkey players took a knee during the national anthem.
This was brilliant politics. Considering that the San Francisco 49ers have had large numbers of Negro players kneel during the national anthem in prior weeks, it was a virtual certainty that this was going to happen. When they did this, it gave Pence an opportunity to leave the game and draw more attention to this important cultural story.
It also looks as if the President had this all worked out with Pence.
These Negro football monkeys aren’t going to stop kneeling during the anthem either. They’re going to continue doing it in some capacity for many weeks to come. Especially since the Negro Felon League’s management is refusing to put an end to it. This is only going to cause more and more White people to turn away from watching these absurd spectacles.
It is also worth noting that the Negro Felon League is now the least liked collegiate or professional sport in America.
We are going to have a small army of reformed nigger ball worshipers who will be joining us as a result of this situation. That’s why it makes sense for us to start using symbols of traditional Americana like the American flag and the bald eagle in future rallies. All of these domestic terrorist groups who attack our rallies will be shown attacking America itself causing more to join our ranks. The beauty of this is that we don’t have to change any of our political positions because they line up directly with what America’s founders believed in.



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