Daily Stormer
October 10, 2017
At this point, I honestly would like to see these tapes released.
Pussygate ended up being good for us. People were like “yeah, grabbing bitches by the pussy – that’s FUCKING BOSS.”
On a recent episode of NPR’s podcast “Embedded,” Bill Pruitt, a former producer of Donald Trump’s long-running reality television show, “The Apprentice,” discussed Trump’s behavior, insisting Trump regularly made “unfathomably despicable” racist comments on the set.Here’s the NPR tape.
Pruitt has previously said that there are tapes from the filming of the show in which Trump is caught making racist comments. For the first time he elaborated on the specifics of those comments, saying they were “about African-Americans, Jewish people, all of the above.”
Other former producers and contestants on the show, which Trump hosted for 14 seasons, have echoed the claim. Chris Nee, another former producer, said she regularly heard Trump use the N-word, while Tom Arnold recounted hearing Trump make a slew of racist and derogatory comments, even insulting his own son.
Producers, other staff and contestants on the show signed nondisclosure agreements which bar them from discussing what exactly happened on the set and the show’s creator, Mark Burnett, remains a loyal Trump confidant. He has stated multiple times that all the show’s tapes are contractually confidential and he will not “give them up.”
Here is part of the transcript:
MCEVERS: But then Bill Pruitt says Donald Trump started saying inappropriate things on the set. You might remember; Bill Pruitt is the guy who tweeted about all this right after the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape last October of Trump saying grab women by the you-know. Pruitt tweeted, I assure you, when it comes to the hashtag #TrumpTapes, there are far worse. And now is the first time Bill Pruitt has talked about what’s on those tapes, though he can’t go into too much detail. He did sign a non-disclosure agreement. He says it happened when Trump and the producers would talk about who to fire.Of course, this could be fake news.
Was it just about women…
MCEVERS: …Mostly about women.
PRUITT: Very much a racist issue.
MCEVERS: It was about race…
MCEVERS: …About African-Americans, Jewish people, all of the above.
PRUITT: Yep. When you heard these things, there’s the audible gasp that is quickly followed by a cough, kind of like (gasping), you know, and then (coughing) – yes, anyway, you know? And then you just sort of carry on.
MCEVERS: Is there ever a time when you think, I wish I would have told him not to say things like that?
PRUITT: That’s a really good question. It was not my place to be, hey, TV star, you know, reason we’re all here, shut your [expletive] damn mouth, and don’t ever, ever repeat what you just said. Of course, you know, you think that. You go back to your hotel room or your apartment that they put you up in. And you know, you do some soul-searching.
MCEVERS: But he did not say anything. We should say we reached out to the White House, and an official called Bill’s story, quote, “the same recycled and false attacks.” Bill Pruitt says he also feels bad about the fact that the story they were telling on “The Apprentice,” this thing about Trump as this successful billionaire, wasn’t exactly true. Bill Pruitt says he saw that up close at Trump’s Taj Mahal casino.
But it probably isn’t.
We know our President doesn’t give a fuck about a bitch. For sure.
So the idea he gives a fuck about niggers and kikes is extremely unlikely, just in a general statistical sense. Most alpha males who grab bitches by the pussy don’t run around not saying the n-word. If anything, even if you actually for some reason liked black people, you would still say the n-word if you are alpha just to show people you can do that because you give zero fucks.
He’s also made public statements about Jews before.
As the kike Bernard-Henri Lévy wrote in the kike New York Times in January of this year:
I cannot claim any knowledge of Donald Trump’s “heart” or of the sincerity of his commitment to the Jewish state. But there have been indications going back decades.And again, even if he likes Jews – he clearly liked them in a certain business sense – he would make racist comments about them in front of other people to demonstrate dominance.
One was provided by John O’Donnell, a former chief operating officer of Trump’s Atlantic City casino, who, in his 1991 book “Trumped!” quoted Trump as saying: “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”
More recently, there was a 2013 tweet storm in which, desperate to show that he was “smarter” than the “overrated” Jon Stewart, Trump saw fit to rip off the mask behind which stood Jonathan Leibowitz, the Jewish name Stewart was born with.
And then, in mid-campaign, there was the meeting in which Trump told donors from the Republican Jewish Coalition: “I know why you’re not going to support me! It’s because I don’t want your money.”
These statements suggest, to say the least, a certain contempt.
So in my view, there are almost certainly tapes.
And I want them released.
I want a huge Trump nigger scandal. And the Jews.
I want people saying “yeah you know, Trump is right – I’m sick of these niggers and kikes also.”
There’s also, you know – there’s always a chance here that Trump will get pushed far enough that he will have a full-on “fuck it” moment, and we will get the entire Donald Trump that we voted for.
A war machine, burning down the entire kike system and building a New America in its place.
A God Emperor.
I think we saw that almost happen when he defended us after Charlottesville.
I think he was inches away.
And I will always – as long as the man lives and breathes – believe it can happen.
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