Wednesday, 11 October 2017

Vegas Massacre: Federal Bullshit Inventors Completely Reverse Entire Story

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 10, 2017

Seriously though.
I’m serious.
They just reversed the entire story, completely.
At a news conference Monday, Clark County Sheriff Joe Lombardo revised one of those key details: when, exactly, shooter Stephen Paddock injured Jesus Campos, the unarmed Mandalay Bay security guard who came to investigate his floor.
“What we have learned is Mr. Campos was encountered by the suspect prior to [Paddock’s] shooting to the outside world,” Lombardo said. He told reporters Monday that Paddock shot Campos at 9:59 p.m. local time on Oct. 1, roughly six minutes before turning his gun on the crowd at the Route 91 Harvest music festival.
“Immediately upon being injured, [Campos] notified security of his situation,” Lombardo said. He added that Campos also prevented a maintenance worker from being shot. But Lombardo also acknowledged that police “weren’t aware of [Campos] being shot until they met him in the hallway after exiting the elevator” onto Paddock’s floor.
As the Los Angeles Times reports, officials had previously suggested that Paddock stopped firing upon the arrival of Campos, who was investigating an alarm about another open door on the shooter’s floor.
The revision to the timeline raises new questions about the timing of the police response — and about why Paddock stopped shooting at around 10:15 p.m., if it was not Campos’ intervention that caused him to do so. According to police accounts, it was more than an hour between the moment the gunfire ended and the moment officers breached and entered Paddock’s room, at about 11:20 p.m.
By the time officers entered the room, police say Paddock had already killed himself.
Lombardo acknowledged that “we do not know why at this point” why that gunfire ended — but he cast the revision as one of a number of “minute changes” common to an evolving investigation.
“As I have conveyed to you from the very beginning,” Lombardo told reporters, “in your zest for information and my zest to ensure the public safety and the calming of their minds — some things are going to change.

“As I’ve said from Day 1, we want to figure out the ‘why’ to this, and we’d like to know the motive,” Lombardo said. “That is our most important goal to prevent any further action associated with any other individual who is contemplating this or what exactly went on in the suspect’s mind to enable him to pull off such a complicated event.”

“This individual purposely hid his actions leading up to this event,” Lombardo said, “and it is difficult for us to find the answers to those actions.”
They also said he checked in on the 25th, not the 28th as they had previous claimed.
This poor dumb bastard.

The feds are running the entire investigation, and they are sending this guy out to tell people stuff so it looks like less of a gigantic conspiracy to the average person.
Here’s the actual important question one would ask about this entire reversal of events – even more important than why he stopped shooting: why did he shoot the security guard?
Why was there even a confrontation at all?
Well, as the LA Times reports, Paddock was drilling a hole through the wall:
The sheriff also revealed that Paddock had started drilling a hole next to the door of his suite, but the drilling apparently was not completed, and officials weren’t sure what the hole was for.


So I guess the implication is that he was drilling the hole, and the security guard was like “yo why you drilling that hole?” and so he shot him in the leg and left him in the hallway? For an hour?
How is this security guard just laying in the hallway for an hour with a leg wound?
What was he doing?
Just groaning?
Why didn’t he use his walkie-talkie to be like “yo some dude just shot me in the leg can you send some guys up here plox?”
It’s not like they didn’t know this virtually immediately. As soon as they interviewed Campos.
This is just… all lies.
It took them an hour to get to the room?
Had he been dead that whole time?

I just… I can’t even. I don’t understand why they lied about this to begin with, or why they are lying about it now – what is to be gained here? I’m missing it. Someone probably sees it. I could probably go find it on /pol/. But there is some reason for shifting these events, which probably relates to a second shooter. I would assume.
Certainly, and hour would be enough time for a second shooter to escape. And they aren’t releasing the footage. And the Feds are running this whole thing. And the sheriff is obviously nervous and lying.
And look – we’ve been told that the keycard was used when his car wasn’t in the garage. They accidentally told us that, or lied about that to create more fog of war.
They claim to have logged “200 instances” of his “movements” in the city, but they haven’t told us what he was doing.

Weird Fake News

There is a weird story on The Sun and Daily Mail about a hooker describing her encounters with him.
A Las Vegas prostitute who was hired by murderer Stephen Paddock has spoken out about their ‘violent’ sex sessions and how he bragged about having ‘bad blood’.
The woman, who spoke anonymously, said she would spend hours drinking and gambling in Sin City with Paddock, who she described as ‘paranoid’ and ‘obsessive’.
If he hit a winning streak, he would take her back to his room for ‘really aggressive and violent sex’ including living out rape fantasies, she said.
Paddock also boasted about his bank-robber father, saying that ‘the bad streak is in my blood’ and ‘I was born bad’, according to texts seen by the Sun on Sunday.
The 27-year-old woman said Paddock, 64, would often rant about conspiracy theories including how 9/11 was orchestrated by the US government.
The escort, who said Paddock paid her $6,000-a-time for their meetings, also had texts in which he described tying her up ‘while you scream for help’.
That is technically probably possible, I guess. But to put it in context, Emperors Club VIP, the elite hooking service Elliot Spitzer used, allegedly had a cap of $5,500 an hour. In a city where prostitution is super-illegal (thanks, feminism).

Prostitution is legal in Vegas (basically), so I find it pretty much impossible that any hooker would be charging that much.
She spoke out after family members revealed that Paddock often consorted with prostitutes who were laid on by hotels while he paid regular visits to the city.
Officials close to the investigation into the shooting revealed that Paddock may have hired an escort in the days before the massacre.
A receipt from Paddock’s hotel room showed two people ordered room service in the days before the attack.
This is clearly fake news.
And more than likely it isn’t just your standard Sun/Daily Mail clickbait fake news, but planted fake news in order to further a narrative being manufactured to hide the reality of what happened here.
The articles also claim that hookers claimed he would ramble about “conspiracy theories,” including that 911 was an inside job. That is particularly interesting, as it could be planted to prepare for some revelation about him having claimed to have been a secret agent of some kind, and they fit it into paranoid delusions.
Because at any time, someone who knew this guy could come out and say “yeah he told me some stories…”

What is Going On?

This guy has to be some kind of CIA asset gone rogue. That is the only thing that makes any sense about any of this.
Or, of course, this whole thing is honest and the authorities are just not giving the information because they’re still trying to figure out what happened.
Those are the only two options, and the former is much more likely – in my personal opinion – than the latter.
I ranted about this yesterday on Gab.

We don’t know where the Filipina GF was from. We know her family lived in Cavite (a shitty South Manila suburb where a bunch of poor village people who came from other parts of the country live), but were not natives of there and that the woman herself, Marilou Danley (nee Bustos) did not even speak Tagalog, meaning she did not grow up in Manila.

We know her sisters have weird accents.

Point being: there is a good chance this guy was working for the CIA in the Philippines as a gun-runner for ISIS.
Duterte has been accusing the US of this and obviously the US funnels weapons to ISIS across the planet, and they’ve got this big ISIS Crisis in the flips right now.
So this guy is spending time there, going back and forth, he’s got this girlfriend…
There is no way he made this much money – millions of dollars, which he shared with his entire family – by playing video poker. No one wins that. What people do is hide their own income by claiming winnings. That is basically the entire purpose of casinos. Besides obviously for vacations and so on. But the main purpose is for criminals to launder money.
And we know this is fake because the guy wasn’t even playing real cards. It was VIDEO POKER. These are Eastern European scam machines, designed to abuse old people.

You cannot win on these machines.
He is embedded in the Philippines running guns to ISIS and he converts to Islam, probably in part due to the woman.
That narrative makes sense. And it explains why the Feds are covering it up. It explains all aspects of it. Because obviously you get mad money doing deep cover gun-running for the CIA.
He also worked both for the federal government and for Lockheed-Martin.
Paddock worked for the federal government from about 1975 to 1985. He was a letter carrier for the U.S. Postal Service from 1976 to 1978. After that, he worked for six years as an Internal Revenue Service agent until 1984. Then, he was a federal auditor for one year, in 1985, focusing on defense contractors. Towards the end of the 1980s, Paddock worked for three years as an internal auditor for a company that later merged to form Lockheed Martin. His work career after this period is not entirely clear.
Yes, very strange indeed that the work immediately after working for the feds and then for Lockheed is “not entirely clear.” In fact, Wikipedia is airbrushing that – it is not even partially clear. The timeline after that is that he just started buying up properties that were giving him a return on his investment – another popular way to launder money.
Oh and the other part is that he had no social media, like most retard boomers. No trail at all on the internet. If he really was just this goofy gambler guy who lost his shit, well, that would not make sense. All these boomers are living it up on Facebook.
His brother was also not on social media, and his brother is exactly the type of goofy bastard who would want to be bragging about his life of fortune to people he knew in high school.

What I can tell you is that I lived in the Philippines, on the Southern island of Mindanao, and every single white person I met there was some kind of a spook.
The Philippines, generally, is crawling with spooks. It’s the CIA’s – and the military in general’s, for that matter – main base in Asia.
The only other reasonable explanation is that he was some kind of MKULTRA style mind control experiment whose programming went bad.
He’s of the age where it would make sense that he could have been involved in one of these programs in his 20s.
Remember that Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was involved in MKULTRA.

So that theory is not total tinfoil kookery either: this program has previously been directly linked to the creation of a major “domestic terrorist.”
And we still to this day have no idea how widespread that program was, or how many mental breakdowns it resulted in.
Kaczynski, like Paddock, was a numbers guy.
Also: the gun-running narrative and even the conversion to Islam narrative does not conflict with the MKULTRA narrative.

Autopsy a No-Go

The feds want to give some kind of explanation, whatever the situation. Obviously, they’ve already done an autopsy.
So if it was a tumor, they would have said that (weird psychopath behavior has been the result of brain tumors before).
Of course, he shot himself in the head (I guess that part is true?) but they still would be able to find something. They no doubt cleaned up his brains very carefully, and traced every inch for tumor cells.
So that is not the answer here.

Also No, He Wasn’t Just a Deranged Psychopath Who Wanted the High Score

The Feds have already refused to release the note he left and sent the cops out to lie about what was on the note. See my article on that.

So there is officially zero chance that this was just a crazy evil guy with bad genes from his bank-robber father who decided to go out in style by going down in history as the greatest-ever mass shooter.
If that was the case, that would have already been explained. It would have been on the note, or it would have been more obvious in interviews of family members and so on, and the FBI would have come out with that.
Again, they do want to explain this. That is something we can be sure of. The public has minute trust in this organization generally right now, and whatever they do by not explaining it – whether it is for honest reasons or not – makes this look like a gigantic conspiracy.
So if they could explain it, they would.
We know that.
That is certainly one thing that we do know here.



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